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Links relating to growing fruit crops in Tasmania and Australia
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

General Biosecurity DutyThe General Biosecurity Duty reinforces that everyone has a role to play in protecting our unique environment and primary industries against biosecurity risks.

Hobby Farmers, Small and New LandholdersDirect information to help landholders understand the regulatory requirements for agricultural operations – and provide a wide range of useful links and contacts covering a range of topics, including business development.

Importing PlantsThere are a number of specific import requirements that apply to nursery stock, depending on the origin, species and type of nursery stock.

Tasmanian Biosecurity AdvisoriesBiosecurity Tasmania Enews – a quarterly summary of biosecurity issues of relevance to Tasmania; alerts to any significant new disease, pest or weed risk and; advice of any significant changes to biosecurity legislation, protocols or other requirements (ie quarantine rules, animal or plant health legislation, animal welfare legislation etc)

Almond Board of AustraliaThe Australian almond industry is undergoing rapid expansion, becoming one of the fastest growing horticulture industries in Australia.

Apple and Pear AustraliaAPAL is the peak industry body representing the interests of commercial apple and pear growers in Australia in matters of national importance including regulation and legislation, marketing, research and development.

Australian Horticultural Exporters' AssociationThe Australian Horticultural Exporters’ Association Inc. (AHEA), is the National Peak Industry Body of Exporters, committed to the development of the export of Australian Horticultural products, namely fresh fruit and vegetables, edible nuts, cut flowers, native flowers, foliage and nursery produce.