Tasmanian Rural Water Use Strategy is now available

​​​The Tasmanian Government has developed the Rural Water Use Strategy to support the wise use of water and ensure that our freshwater resources are available to support the wide range of water uses and environments that depend on them as well as new opportunities for innovation and growth.
Freshwater is vital for the Tasmanian economy, environment and way of life.

  • It is a key economic enabler for agriculture, energy, mining, forestry, industry and commercial uses;
  • It underpins urban water security for drinking water, commercial uses and liveability; and
  • It is essential for maintaining environment, ecosystems and landscapes for intrinsic value, biodiversity, recreation and tourism.

The Rural Water Use Strategy contains four Goals and 29 Actions to guide Tasmania’s future water management arrangements to ensure integrated, fair and efficient regulation of our water resources to deliver sustainable outcomes for rural water users, rural communities and the environment, while maintaining Tasmania’s competitive advantages in a changing climate.

The Strategy will also support the aim to grow the value of Tasmania’s agricultural productivity to $10 billion by 2050, and plans to increase Tasmania’s renewable energy production. 

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