Seasonal Worker Transport Pilot Program

This Program, initiated by Fruit Growers Tasmania in January 2021, is funded by the Tasmanian Government and is enabling local workers to get to and from work.

Fruit Growers Tasmania, in partnership with the Huon Valley Council and the Get Picking Program, is delivered by Community Transport Services Tasmania and offers daily transport services (6 days per week) to participating businesses using bus and coach-based transport services. ​Transport costs will be shared between the picker, the employer and the Tasmanian Government.

It is anticipated that this pilot program will transport up to 250 workers per day who would otherwise be unable to take up the seasonal work opportunities.

While the pilot will commence in the Huon Valley, once tested it will be expanded to include other areas including the Derwent Valley, Kingborough and Launceston region.

Contact ​Fruit Growers Tasmania for further information.

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