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Building a Farm DamA streamlined, risk-based approach for the approval of farm dam construction has been developed by the Tasmanian Government. This is the result of amendments to the Water Management Act 1999 (the Act) that came into force on 1 January 2016.
Dam Maintenance and RepairsTo ensure dams remain in a safe and working condition, regular dam monitoring is recommended.
For some dams this monitoring will be done regularly through dam surveillance reports. However it is still important for all dams, regardless of size to be observed on a regular basis for any changes to its structure.
Dam Safety EmergenciesExcept in the case of life threatening dam emergencies, the Dam Safety Hotline is the first point of contact in relation to dam safety matters. This contact is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Dam Safety Hotline 1800 316 377
GroundwaterTasmania's groundwater resource is not evenly distributed across the state. Approximately 12,000 bores and wells tap this resource for irrigation, mining, town water and stock use.
Hydro TasmaniaA Tasmanian Government Business Enterprise responsible for the State's hydro-electric scheme plus new renewable energy generation projects in wind farms and mini-hydro.
Managing WaterwaysNRM South Landholder Series - Property Planning Guide: Managing Waterways
Water for Profit ProgramFunded by the Tasmanian Government, the Water for Profit Program was designed to ensure farmers are equipped with the right skills and information to increase profits and sustainability from their investment in water. The project concluded in 2018.
Water in Tasmania - who is responsible?A number of bodies aside from DPIPWE have responsibility for the management and regulation of Tasmania's freshwater resources. Areas managed include water pollution, domestic water supply and the public health issues associated with the provision of drinking water.
Working Together for Healthy WaterwaysThe NRM North Land Program have filmed discussions on soil liming and diverse pasture trials. Features seed sowing rates in the Carbon in Pastures trials and the movement effect of calcium carbonate through the soil profile in the Soil Acidification trials.
Australian Natural Resources AtlasProvides access to information on natural resource issues facing agriculture, coasts, dryland salinity, irrigation, land, natural resource economics, rangelands, soils, vegetation, biodiversity, water.