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Links relating to women services across Tasmania and interstate
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Tasmanian Women in Agriculture (TWiA)Tasmanian Women in Agriculture (TWiA) is a voluntary, non political, independent and grass roots organisation that recognises the needs and aspirations of people involved in agriculture, business and living in rural communities, in particular women and their families in Tasmania.

The Springboard ConsultancySpringboard has a range of development services designed to support and facilitate new and established businesses.

Women in TasmaniaWomen have an important role to play in shaping social policy. Communities, Sport and Recreation Tasmania works to ensure that women can be engaged in all aspects of society and that Government policies, programs and projects are responsive to the needs of women and representative of their views

AgriFutures Rural Women’s AwardThe AgriFutures Rural Women's Award is open to all women involved in agriculture, including forestry, fisheries, natural resource management and related service industries. The Award will support women with a strong and positive vision for the future of their industry and its human resource.

Australian Women in AgricultureAustralian Women in Agriculture is committed to promoting the profile of women in agriculture and is a dedicated network involved in the development of Australian primary production.

Office for Women (Aust Gov)The Australian Government Office for Women (OfW) is a policy advisory unit and a division of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.