Property Management Planning
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Links relating to property management planning
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Building a Farm DamA streamlined, risk-based approach for the approval of farm dam construction has been developed by the Tasmanian Government. This is the result of amendments to the Water Management Act 1999 (the Act) that came into force on 1 January 2016.

Bushfire Survival PlanProvides useful information and advice on what to do when a bushfire threatens and preparing yourself & property for bushfire.

Gross margin toolsThe gross margin budget templates allow comparisons to be made between enterprises. Gross margin is the financial difference between returns received from sales of produce and the variable costs associated with producing that produce. The business overheads can be taken into account using the Designing a Successful Business template.

Land Resource Assessment (DPIPWE)Information on the various soil and land resource information surveys undertaken in Tasmania. This information enables informed land use planning decision making and sustainable management of these resources.

Soil Management in TasmaniaComprehensive information on soil management including soil erosion, salinity, stubble management and various publications for producers.

Tasmanian Bushcare ToolkitThe Toolkit provides landowners and community groups with a comprehensive guide to the management and conservation needs of native bush. The toolkit covers a wide variety of topics including bush on your farm, different vegetation types, threatened species, revegetation and weed management.

Caring for our Country (Aust Gov)'Caring for our Country' is the Australian Government's natural resource management program that integrates the delivery of the existing programs - the Natural Heritage Trust, the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, the National Landcare Program, the Environmental Stewardship Program and the Working on Country Indigenous Land and Environmental Program.

Dairying for TomorrowA national strategy for the dairy industry to work with community partners, to sustain its natural resources.

Soil erosion (NSW)Provides information on different types of erosion and how to monitor erosion and manage erosion.