Natural Resource Management
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Links relating to natural resource management planning
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Fire ecologyFind out why fire plays such a key role in the ecology of the Tasmanian natural environment.

Landcare Action Grants ProgramThe Program has been established to provide State funded grant opportunities to co-invest with farmers, Landcare, and other community organisations on practical on-ground works for sustainable agriculture and Rivercare type activities. Applications have now closed.

Managing Tasmanian Native PasturesNative pastures underpin the long-term productivity, profitability and sustainability of grazing activities on many Tasmanian properties, particularly fine wool grazing properties. They are also a significant vegetation community for conserving native plants and animals, and maintaining stable and healthy soils.

Managing WaterwaysNRM South Landholder Series - Property Planning Guide: Managing Waterways

Natural Resource Management (NRM) in TasmaniaThere are three NRM regional groups in Tasmania, each working with farmers and others to address their natural resource management needs and concerns. This link is to the site for NRM North, which also provides links to Cradle Coast NRM and NRM South.

Southern Farming SystemsA farmer-driven non-profit organisation undertaking research and extension programs in southern Australia.

Tasmanian Bushcare ToolkitThe Toolkit provides landowners and community groups with a comprehensive guide to the management and conservation needs of native bush. The toolkit covers a wide variety of topics including bush on your farm, different vegetation types, threatened species, revegetation and weed management.

Australian Natural Resources AtlasProvides access to information on natural resource issues facing agriculture, coasts, dryland salinity, irrigation, land, natural resource economics, rangelands, soils, vegetation, biodiversity, water.

Caring for our Country (Aust Gov)'Caring for our Country' is the Australian Government's natural resource management program that integrates the delivery of the existing programs - the Natural Heritage Trust, the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, the National Landcare Program, the Environmental Stewardship Program and the Working on Country Indigenous Land and Environmental Program.