Natural Disasters
Page Content
Links relating to the implication of fire, flood, drought on the agricultural industries in Tasmania
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Bushfire Survival PlanProvides useful information and advice on what to do when a bushfire threatens and preparing yourself & property for bushfire.

Fire ecologyFind out why fire plays such a key role in the ecology of the Tasmanian natural environment.

Natural Disaster Insurance CheckupDepending on where you live, you may have more risk of loss or damage to your home, business or belongings if a natural disaster comes your way.

Tasmania Fire ServiceThe Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) was created through the amalgamation of the State Fire Authority, the Rural Fires Board and 22 urban fire brigade boards.

Climate Watch (BoM)The Bureau of Meteorology's Seasonal Climate Outlook is issued every month, giving probabilities for rainfall and temperatures in the season ahead.

Drought tools (MLA)Here you will find some useful information that may help you manage your animals and pastures through the dry times.