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Links to various export related websites from Tasmania and Australia
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Brand TasmaniaBrand Tasmania aims to heighten the profile, quality and value of Tasmanian products and services in the marketplace and to encourage a broad-based ownership of the Tasmanian brands by Tasmanian enterprises and the community.

Field Fresh TasmaniaField Fresh Tasmania vegetables are sought by the most discerning markets of Europe, Asia and Australia, sourced from a growing environment with unparalleled natural advantages.

Hobby Farmers, Small and New LandholdersDirect information to help landholders understand the regulatory requirements for agricultural operations – and provide a wide range of useful links and contacts covering a range of topics, including business development.

Seedlab TasmaniaSeedlab Tasmania is a new incubator to provide expertise, resources and training to de-risk export and drive profitable growth.

Tasmanian Freight Equalisation SchemeProvides assistance to shippers of eligible goods, transported by sea between Tasmania and the Australian mainland, with the aim of reducing the freight cost disadvantage imposed by Bass Strait.

AustradeAustrade provides advice, market intelligence and support to Australian companies to reduce the time, cost and risk involved in selecting, entering and developing international markets.

Australian Horticultural Exporters' AssociationThe Australian Horticultural Exporters’ Association Inc. (AHEA), is the National Peak Industry Body of Exporters, committed to the development of the export of Australian Horticultural products, namely fresh fruit and vegetables, edible nuts, cut flowers, native flowers, foliage and nursery produce.