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Links about the animal livestock industries in Tasmania
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)
2018 Review of GMO MoratoriumSince 2001, Tasmania has maintained a moratorium on the commercial release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the Tasmanian environment. In 2018 a review of the moratorium was launched prior to the existing moratorium expiring in November 2019
AGFESTAnnual AgFest Field Days in Tasmania
Australian Business Licence and Information ServiceA one-stop-shop on the Commonwealth, State and Local Government controls required when operating a business (or occupation) in Tasmania. Includes licenses, permits, approvals, registrations, codes of practices, standards, guidelines, etc.
Brand TasmaniaBrand Tasmania aims to heighten the profile, quality and value of Tasmanian products and services in the marketplace and to encourage a broad-based ownership of the Tasmanian brands by Tasmanian enterprises and the community.
Business TasmaniaBusiness Tasmania is the place to go for all business needs. It contains comprehensive information on licensing, legislative regulations and government services to assist with starting and growing a business.
Natural Disaster Insurance CheckupDepending on where you live, you may have more risk of loss or damage to your home, business or belongings if a natural disaster comes your way.
Real Estate Institute of TasmaniaThe Real Estate Institute of Tasmania is a member organisation representing the views and the professional needs of its members - these being more than 170 real estate agents (and their staff) throughout the state.
Small business assistanceSupport for people intending to commence in business and also for existing small businesses in Tasmania.
The Springboard ConsultancySpringboard has a range of development services designed to support and facilitate new and established businesses.
Australian GrownThe Australian Grown brand is an easy way for you to identify produce that is Australian.
Farm business assistance (Aust Govt)Simple and convenient access to all the Government information, transactions and services for businesses. A whole-of-Government service providing essential information on planning, starting and running your business.
growAGFarmers, researchers and businesses can now see levy funded research from all the Research and Development Corporations in one location
SCAMwatchSCAMwatch is a site to help you recognise, report and protect yourself from scams. SCAMwatch is owned and maintained by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and is also the campaign portal for the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce.