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Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Buying and Selling Sheep and Goats in TasmaniaThe National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) for sheep & goats has been developed to maintain and improve access to export markets by strengthening the integrity of the product supply chain.

General Biosecurity DutyThe General Biosecurity Duty reinforces that everyone has a role to play in protecting our unique environment and primary industries against biosecurity risks.

Hobby Farmers, Small and New LandholdersDirect information to help landholders understand the regulatory requirements for agricultural operations – and provide a wide range of useful links and contacts covering a range of topics, including business development.

NLIS Allflex tagsProvides a link to the order forms for Allflex NLIS tags. Return the completed forms to livestock agents, who will then forward them on for processing.

Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification (eID)In September 2022, as part of ongoing national traceability reforms, Australia’s Agriculture Ministers agreed to work collaboratively with industry to introduce national mandatory individual electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats by 1 January 2025.

SheepConnect TasmaniaSheep Connect Tasmania is Australia Wool Innovation’s (AWI’s) key investment in extension for the Tasmanian sheep and wool industries.

Animal Genetics and Breeding UnitAGBU's work has greatly assisted the improvement of livestock through breeding in Australia and overseas. A vibrant scientific program continues with regular publication of research results in scientific journals. However, its main purpose is to meet ongoing demands from Australia's livestock industries for research, development and training in genetics.

Animal health cost-benefit calculator (MLA)The Animal Health cost-benefit calculator has been developed to help you work out the benefit of applying an animal health treatment to your herd for bloat, clostridial diseases and grass tetany.

Australian Wool Innovation's Grower Menu A content-rich online hub of information about publications, websites, education, workshops, and other woolgrower resources that support you and your business.

Australia's Red Meat Integrity SystemA system of food safety measures, quality assurance and traceability from paddock to plate, guarantees the integrity of Australia’s $22.9 billion red meat industry.

AWI Change MakersThe first season of AWI Change Makers is a ten-part video series centred around sheep reproduction. Tune in to hear a range of practical ways growers can influence sheep reproduction with the latest research and tools informed by the AWI-funded research and development outcomes.

RSPCAThe RSPCA's mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.

Sheep CRCThe CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation is a collaboration between Australia's leading sheep industry organisations, which is supported under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program.

Welcome to LAMBPLANPractical information for terminal and dual purpose sheep producers on the genetic potential of their animals.