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Links to information relating to stock welfare in the dairy industry in Tasmania
Links (FarmPoint is not responsible for the content of the websites linked to below. The link does not constitute any form of endorsement.)

Animal Welfare Act (1993)An Act to prevent neglect of, and cruelty to, animals, to ensure the welfare of animals, to repeal the Cruelty to Animals Prevention Act 1925 and for related purposes.

Lumpy Skin DiseaseLumpy skin disease (LSD) is a serious and highly contagious emergency animal disease that affects cattle and buffalo. It has never been detected in Australia before, but its rapid spread overseas makes it a serious threat to Australia’s cattle and buffalo industries.

Mastitis ControlDairy Australia has a great fact sheet on mastitis control in wet conditions.

RSPCAThe RSPCA's mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.