I want to buy or have bought a property. What can I do with it?
I want to start a business from my property. What do I need to do?
What do I have to do to get and keep livestock?
Do I have to register my livestock? Do I need a Property Identification Code (PIC)?
To buy, sell or move livestock from one property to another or for slaughter, animals must be properly identified. Livestock identification allows animals to be traced back to where they have come from or to where they may have been moved in the event of a disease outbreak or chemical contamination.
All stock movements including deaths need to be recorded in the National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS).
How do I get an animal processed for eating?
It is possible to slaughter and process an animal for your personal and immediate family consumption. The animal must be processed on site and not moved from the property. Product is not to be sold. Mobile butchers details can be found in the yellow pages.
What is the best type of crop I can grow on my property?
Land Information System Tasmania (LIST) has a list of climate mapping variables of the suitability of various farming pursuits in Tasmania and could be useful to confirm the suitability of the plantings. Read instructions for using LIST layers.
Do I need a water licence?
You must have a water licence and water allocation if you intend to take water from a river or stream, or store water in a farm dam, for farming or other commercial purposes with the exception of users listed under Part 5 of the Water Management Act 1999.
What water licences and dams are located in my area?
Can I build a dam on my farm?
A 'Permit to Undertake Dam Works' which is required to construct, remove or modify a dam (including levees and weirs) under the Water Management Act 1999 and Regulations.
How can I manage my property for seasonal conditions?
Managing seasonal conditions is part and parcel of farming in Tasmania and its effects represent one of the biggest challenges to our agriculture sector.
What is this weed?
The Weeds Index of Tasmania has maps showing location of weeds, imagery, control guides and management plans.
How can I manage wildlife browsing on my property?
The Department assists land managers to develop and implement effective integrated damage control strategies.
Do you have any information on recreational hunting and required licences?
Under the Wildlife (General) Regulations 2010 and the Nature Conservation Act 2002 game licences are required to hunt the following during the gazetted seasons.
How can I get a Property Protection Permit?
The purpose of a property protection permit is to prevent the destruction of, or injury to, any stock or plants caused by the wildlife. An owner or manager is required to hold a crop protection permit to poison, trap, and shoot wildlife which is causing damage to pasture and crops.
Property protection permits are issued by the Wildlife Management Branch. Applications can be submitted via post, fax, email, or in person.
I am thinking of purchasing a rural property or I am already living next door to a farmer. What do I need to know as a neighbour?
The farmer is entitled to a ‘right to farm’ and legislation restricts the right of neighbours to take action against commercial primary producers under the common law of nuisance. In summary,
What can you recommend for pasture pest management?
The publication, Tasmanian Pasture and Forage Pests: Identification, Biology and Control, uses text, colour images and diagrams to describe the various insect pests and their life cycles. Identification of pests is the first step in determining control and management strategies. Specific control methods are not included to ensure that control is determined by assessing the whole system in which the pest is found. This book is available online and can be downloaded or as a hardcopy.
Where can I get information on organic farming and certification?
Organic farming is farming without the use of synthetic chemicals, artificial fertilisers, pesticides, irradiation or genetically modified organisms.
Where can I get information on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Tasmania?
Do you have any information on soil?
Where can I get my soil or water tested?
Analytical Services Tasmania
18 St Johns Avenue, New Town 7008
Phone: 6165 3300
Email: enquiries@ast.tas.gov.au
Please note - AST does not carry out Bacteriological testing. AST can provide some general advice regarding testing but AST is not a professional consulting service. If you require professional recommendations on a detailed written report then a professional consulting service may be required. Consultants can be found in the yellow pages or online.
Water Microbiology Laboratory (Mt Pleasant Laboratories)
171 Westbury Road, Prospect 7250
Phone: 6777 2097
Email: specimenreception@dpipwe.tas.gov.au
Please note: WML does not undertake chemical testing for water.
Do you have any information for emergency management and recovery?
TASALERT is the State alert system for all emergencies, and is active with updates during an emergency. It will notify you of locations of emergency events and also provide updates on road closures.
If you are affected by an event, in the first instance contact your local council who will have an Emergency Management Coordinator in place to assist you in receiving the appropriate help you need.
Also visit our Owning Livestock page - Caring For Livestock In An Emergency sub-heading for more information.
The Counselling Services and Support for Farmers and Rural Communities webpage may assist you in providing services to help you in your recovery after an emergency event.